Mistletoe (also known as Viscum album) is one of the most widely used unconventional cancer treatments in Europe. Results of a national survey conducted in Germany in l995 by the Society for Biologic Cancer Defense found that mistletoe preparations were the most frequently prescribed biologic drug (80%) followed by trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, and xenogenic (tissues from other species) peptides like thymus preparations.
Another survey of 125 hospitalized cancer patients in two clinics found that 90 (72%) had used unconventional methods and that the most frequently used unconventional therapy was mistletoe (43.2%) followed by immune stimulants, vitamins, and trace elements9. The German Cancer Information service in Heidelberg reports that about 20% of their estimated 60,000 calls over the past 6 years are about unconventional therapies, and that 23.9% of the queries in one series of documented calls were about mistletoe.
Mistletoe extract has been in the news in North America since actress Suzanne Somers announced that she is using it as an adjunctive therapy to fight breast cancer following lumpectomy and radiation. Some medical experts have claimed that there is no scientific evidence to support taking this natural approach.
However, a major groundbreaking study was published in the May issue of the peer-reviewed journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. The study showed that individuals who took mistletoe extract in addition to their standard medical treatment for cancer lived 40% longer.
This work followed 35,000 participants for over thirty years. Of the 35,000 patients studied, 5,000 developed cancer. A rigorous design with 300 pairs matched for tumor type, stage and conventional treatment received, demonstrated that those cancer patients who also had mistletoe showed 40% longer survival. Other studies confirmed low toxicity and favorable impact on the patients' quality of life.
Research indicates that mistletoe extract is most effective when used in conjunction with standard medical cancer care for the treatment of solid tumors such as breast, liver, and colon cancers.
At the office of Dr. Lemmo, several brands of Mistletoe (i.e. Iscador, Heel, Helixor) are incorporated into the treatment protocol for several cancer types. Patients are instructed as to the appropriate use, dosing schedule, and length of treatment for this product. Generally, subcutaneous injections (under the skin) are administered 3 times per week until the desired effect is attained. Mistletoe can be used along with standard cancer treatment (i.e. surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) and has not been shown to cause any significant side effects or complications. Genuine allergies like urticaria are very rare. A local reaction on the puncture site appearing frequently during the initial phase as well as moderate fever reaction are considered to be desirable effects of mistletoe therapy as long as they do not exceed an acceptable limit. Below is a list of research examples on the use of the Helixor brand of Mistletoe in cancer.