Monday, February 7, 2011

Good News!!

CT scan came back clear - hasn't spread to my brain!! Yay!!

My PET scan will probably be the 24th or 25th; it will tell us how the chemo has been working. I will have to pay for a private one again as they will not do it at the BCCA just to "monitor" treatment - so annoying!

Some bad news is that Dr. Klimo is retiring in June - very stressful :o(

But the good news is IT HASN'T SPREAD TO MY BRAIN!!


  1. Jackie,

    I just wanted to say our prayers are with you and your family. I also wanted to tell you a friend of mine fought and beat throat cancer! He had a 3% chance of living. He was told to tell his 2 boys that he had 3 mos to live. He then met Dr. Klimo, Dr. Parmar and saw a Chinese Dr. and got some Chinese tea (which he swears by) and saw a naturopath. He is 100% cancer free and is swallowing on his own and the happiest man alive! I hope this brings a smile to your face....never give up and NEVER take no for an answer! We will continue to pray for you.

    Wendy Craighead (Burkart)

  2. Hey Jackie! Kathy told us that you had your head examined and there was nothing there! Best news I heard in a loooong time! Love you! Keep on putting one foot down in front of another....:)

  3. Jackie,

    We have not met, as I am a friend of Sherry Hjorth (Reid). I just wanted to let you know that your positive scan results put a huge smile on my face this evening. I am so thinking of you, your family and your struggles but I can tell your strength and outlook will get you through. Thank you for sharing your deeply personal story. It touches many people, for many different reasons, but we all learn and grow stronger by reading your posts.

    You are truly an inspiration to many....

    Sherri Giovinazzo

  4. What great news to hear! Just also wanted you to know that all of us at the sister school are continuing to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Tim Rourke

  5. That is awesome news!

    My co worker who was treated by Dr. Klimo a few years ago says that he is always saying that he is going to retire but never does...... ;-)

  6. Jackie

    Yeah! is right. Just to let you know that I am still praying for you and your family and I know you know but I'll say it anyway - you are deeply missed by all at Kinvig.

    God bless
    Grandma Sheila
