Saturday, August 13, 2011

My last chemo was July 29. My hemoglobin was so low that they decided to give me a blood transfusion. They also got me set up to start Eprex injections. The Eprex will help my hemoglobin but it takes a few weeks to kick in so we started it the same day as the transfusion. Since then, I've been feeling great; lots of energy and no problems with breathing. So it was very surprising when I showed up yesterday to start Day 1 chemo to find out that I was going to have another delay. It seems that now my platelets are too low. Just when I thought we had it all figured out with Nuepogen for white cells and Eprex for hemoglobin... I will have to wait until Monday (which is suppose to be Day 4 treatment) to start Day 1 which now screws up my schedule again but not by too much. So instead of having treatments Friday, Mondays it will be Monday, Thursdays. The biggest problem is that it messes up everyone who has offered to drive me on Fridays. Oh well, I'm sure we'll get it figured out. Anyway, that's about all I have to report!


  1. Jackie, I'm glad to know that despite glitches every so often, things are going well. My thoughts, wishes & prayers are always with you and your family.

  2. Dear Jackie I just want you to know that the woman Dr klimo mentioned in that article before he retired is my husband's GP new wife. They got married last weekend. I asked him if he was the one who had contacted Dr Klimo because he was the one that suggested him for us. He told me yes and thatshe had Triple Negative Breast cancer over 20 years ago and she is great. Now how is that for hope for you and also for my husband with his rare tumour. God bless Maria
