Monday, February 28, 2011

Awesome news!!

I'm writing from my blackberry while getting chemo but I had to share my amazing news  My PET scan results show that all the spreading to liver and bones (and there was lots) is GONE!! There is only one small spot in my armpit that may be cancer but probably "post treatment inflammatory changes". The report starts with " There has been a dramatic, marked favorable response to therapy when compared with the previous study" Dr. Klimo was very surprised with the results - he said was better than he thought. So I will do four more chemos then continue with Avastin in a pill form (I think that's what he said - I was so happy I wasn't really paying attention)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Treydon!

Seven years ago today our life changed forever... Happy Birthday Treydon! We love you!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Matteus!

Today Matteus turns three. He's growing up so quickly and I can't believe that he is not my little baby anymore.

He is truly a gift; making me laugh everyday, even when I didn't think it was possible to laugh.

We love you Matteus!

In medical I had three good pieces of news:

1) tumor markers are down and white blood cells were up
2) extend health will cover 80% of Avastin
3) I will get my PET scan done at the BCCA (for free) on the same day as my private one was scheduled (Feb 25)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Good News!!

CT scan came back clear - hasn't spread to my brain!! Yay!!

My PET scan will probably be the 24th or 25th; it will tell us how the chemo has been working. I will have to pay for a private one again as they will not do it at the BCCA just to "monitor" treatment - so annoying!

Some bad news is that Dr. Klimo is retiring in June - very stressful :o(

But the good news is IT HASN'T SPREAD TO MY BRAIN!!