Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27th...

I've had so many people say to me that they check my blog for updates all the time so now I'm feeling the pressure to come up with some news to report!!

Well, there isn't too much to report right now ~ just having my chemo - two Fridays (oops I meant Mondays)  in a row and then one week off. This chemo doesn't have the same side effects as my first rounds; hair isn't falling out, no muscle loss yet (actually, maybe that's because I DON'T HAVE ANY MUSCLES LEFT!!) nails seem to be hanging on nicely and only a few days of feeling really horrible and bound to my bed. I still have to take Neupogen injections which help my body to make new white blood cells so that I can get my next chemo and not catch one of the many bugs my children bring home. It works wonders but causes extreme bone pain after a couple of injections so I'm always trying to do the minimal amount of times; just enough to get up my cell count but not enough to start the pain (I equate the pain with bad back labour).

On Feb 1st I go in for surgery to have a port-o-cath placed in my chest. This is a little device that sits under your skin and allows for the chemo to access your body directly rather than having to get set up with an IV every time. I had one put in during my first round of chemo but had it removed during the mastectomy thinking I wouldn't need it anymore (wishful thinking). It really grosses me out because you can feel it under your skin but it doesn't interfere with daily activities and is WAY easier than having a IV. This past Monday I was poked six times before they got the vein - and these nurses are the experts! Anyway, it will be way easier once I have the port.

I haven't been able to start the local hyperthermia with Dr. Parmar yet because I have to get there on the same day as my chemo and so far I haven't been able to get there in time. My chemo always seems to take way longer than it's suppose to. Now, I've decided that I will wait to start the hyperthermia until after after my PET scan which should be in a few weeks. That way we'll have a baseline to monitor how or if it is working. It will also tell us what part of my body we should be focusing it on.

We are still waiting to hear if our extended health is going to cover the $12,400. a month cost for Avastin.

I have a good feeling that this chemotherapy is working so I am very excited and anxious to have my next PET scan. I don't have a date yet but I will update next when I find out when it will be.

Thank you again to everyone who continues to read my blog and everyone who has been donating and supporting the fundraisers. I am constantly overwhelmed with gratitude and continuously wonder what I can possibly do to repay everyone when I am better!


  1. Hi Jackie,
    I'm a friend (neighbor) of Steve and Lindsay's and my 2 boys attend SKC like yours. I've been following your blog and have such admiration for your strength and positive outlook as you fight your battle. I believe that your amazing attitude and openness to explore every treatment option available contributes so much to your progress against this destructive disease. I am sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts your way for you and your family.

  2. Jackie, I work with Darren at the Courthouse. In fact, he's my favorite sheriff there. I admire you two so much I can't express it. Your courage and dedication to your family and yourself amazes me.
    As for repaying everyone...I think getting better is all the repayment anyone can ask for. I'm still sending positive thoughts your way and will do anything and everything I can to help you guys.


  3. Hi Jackie! Hope your scan went well last week & your port a cath is a stunning new accessory! Can you bedazzle it? ;-)

    I am thankful that there is a way we can really help you through this bump on your highway of life. Whether it be a lasagna or a cash donation - it is empowering to those who are interested in your well being to be able to help.

    A kind word, a meal, cash, airmiles or a listening ear - it is all a testament to the community you have around you (cheering you on). No need to repay in anyway. In fact thank you for sharing your journey.

  4. Court Clerk MichelleFebruary 5, 2011 at 10:16 AM

    Always thinking of you guys......
